The Weekly -May 26th- June 1
This Past Week…
John's readers wanted assurance, so he writes to remind them of what Jesus' death and resurrection have achieved, who they are as a result, and why they need not fear. Our prayer is that you find the same certainty after studying this letter, written ‚ "that you may know that you have eternal life" (1 John 5:13).
Application Questions:
How does my understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice influence my ability to love others sacrificially?
When was the last time I examined my thoughts and words towards others? Have I “murdered” anyone with my words or thoughts?
Have I allowed any form of hatred, jealousy, or resentment to take root in my heart? How can I address these feelings, fight for reconciliation, and replace them with love?
Do I truly understand that my ability to love others comes from first experiencing and accepting God's love for me?
Catch up on this week’s sermon
Glosson’s Taking June off!
Once again, the Glosson Family will be taking time away for the month of June. They will enjoying times of rest to be refreshed in the Word and doing some traveling. Their hope is that this time would be renew them so that they can continue in ministry for the long haul.
Please join us in praying for Pastor Billy, Hannah and Sammy during this time.
Should you need anything, please contact Michael Tooley or Regan Pompeo, they will be ready to help!
Church Wide Summer Hangs!
For the summer months we will be combining our Mission Men's and Women's monthly events!
Join us for our Church Wide, family friendly events coming up.
Our hope is to embrace a slower pace for the summer while still living in community.
Dig into God’s Word
Join us on a 90-day Summer Bible reading plan that is crafted to illuminate how the entire Bible points to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Click here to learn more about this plan that will be through the DWELL APP!
We have a new space for nursing moms right behind the Kids Check In table!
Kids Moment
We will be switching our Mission Kid’s curriculum to The Gospel project.
Every week, kids will experience the good news of the gospel through a Bible study that is:
Christ Centered: It’s all about Jesus, and every story points back to Him.
Heart Transforming: This study is designed to encourage true transformation that comes only from the gospel, not from behavior modification.
Age Aligned: Each week, every participant—from preschoolers to adults—can study from the same section of Scripture.
Chronological: All age levels study the narrative of the Bible in order, from Genesis to Revelation.
Theologically Rich: All studies are presented in an age-aware manner, and every session is doctrinally sound and thorough.
Missionally Minded: Every session calls participants to respond by sharing and living out the gospel.
Mission Kids Team Meeting
June 9th. Lunch and Childcare provided.
If you are currently a Mission Kid’s Volunteer or are interested in volunteering, please attend our next Kids Training.
We will be discussing our Kids safety policies, curriculum, classrooms, leadership team and more.
Summer Hike
Join us for our first Church Wide Summer Hang.
WHO: Everyone is invited including kids. Regan Pompeo and Lori Glosson will be our hiking guides!
WHAT: A leisurely, kid-friendly hike through some of our local trails. Please bring your own water, snacks, sunscreen and bug spray if desired.
WHEN: June 15th. 9AM-11AM
WHERE: South Mountain State Park. 3001 S Mountain Park, Connelly Springs, NC 28612. Meet at the Welcome Center.
WHY: To enjoy community and nature together!
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