Celebrate Easter Weekend with Mission Church!
We all experience seasons where darkness seems overwhelming, yet Easter reminds us that darkness doesn't have the final word. Join us at Mission Church for "Death to Life," a two-week journey through the Gospel of Luke, as we explore the emotional depths of Jesus's crucifixion and the incredible hope found in His resurrection.
Good Friday | Death to Life: From Crucifixion to Resurrection
We'll sit together in the weightiness of Good Friday, reflecting on Jesus's immense sacrifice and the profound love displayed on the cross. Then, we'll step into the joy and celebration of Easter, witnessing how Christ’s resurrection transforms despair into hope and death into life. Come experience how this truth changes everything—not just historically, but personally.
More info found here.
Easter Sunday: Hope Restored (Luke 24:13-35)
Easter Sunday, we warmly invite you and your loved ones to celebrate with us at Mission Church as we step onto the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). Together, we'll encounter two discouraged followers whose disappointment turns into overwhelming joy as they meet the risen Jesus. Like them, we often walk through life carrying doubts and questions—but Jesus meets us exactly where we are, rekindling our hearts and restoring our hope. Join us to celebrate the incredible truth that Jesus is alive, hope is restored, and new beginnings are possible.
More Info found Here.