The Weekly -April 21st-27th
This Past Week…
John's readers wanted assurance, so he writes to remind them of what Jesus' death and resurrection have achieved, who they are as a result, and why they need not fear. Our prayer is that you find the same certainty after studying this letter, written ‚ "that you may know that you have eternal life" (1 John 5:13).
Application Questions:
1. How can we be sure that our relationship with Jesus is genuine, according to John's 'whoever says' statements? What actions should reflect our faith?
2. What does it look like to keep my pivot foot in the gospel?
3. Have I been tempted to judge someone else by their fruit and myself by my intentions? How can I grow in judging my own fruit?
4. How does loving my brother or sister keep me in the light and prevent stumbling, and what can I do to mend a relationship where there's been hurt due to a lack of love or obedience to this command?
Catch up on this week’s sermon
Equip Night
Join us! April 28th 5:30PM-7PM
Topic: How to Read the Bible
We will be sharing a family meal together, followed by a time of teaching, table discussion, and prayer. Childcare will be provided.
This will be a potluck styled meal, so please sign up to bring something to share!
Pausing Youth Group
We will be pausing Youth Group this week for us all to attend the Equip Night.
Kids Moment
We will be switching our Mission Kid’s curriculum to The Gospel project.
Every week, kids will experience the good news of the gospel through a Bible study that is:
Christ Centered: It’s all about Jesus, and every story points back to Him.
Heart Transforming: This study is designed to encourage true transformation that comes only from the gospel, not from behavior modification.
Age Aligned: Each week, every participant—from preschoolers to adults—can study from the same section of Scripture.
Chronological: All age levels study the narrative of the Bible in order, from Genesis to Revelation.
Theologically Rich: All studies are presented in an age-aware manner, and every session is doctrinally sound and thorough.
Missionally Minded: Every session calls participants to respond by sharing and living out the gospel.
Theology on Tap
Monday, April 29th. 7:30PM
Have you wondered how Biblical beliefs shape our everyday lives? Join us at Sidetracked Brewing for Theology on Tap!
We'll enjoy good drinks and company while discussing how we can live out our lives through sound, biblical beliefs.
Join a Group!
We are launching Discipleship Groups.
A disciple is someone who follows Jesus by being with him, becoming like him and doing as He did as they bring others to Jesus.
Discipleship Groups consist of 2-4 people (same gender) meeting to read the Bible together, pray with one another and hold each other accountable in their faith.
This is all part of what it looks like to set our hearts and minds on Jesus!
If you are interested in more information about these groups or would like to join one, please email Brad Wilcox, or Becca Wilcox or Lynette Ebel.
Foster Care Awareness Month
Every year in May, we take time to raise awareness of issues related to foster care and acknowledge the parents, family members, foster parents, child welfare and related professionals, and other members of the community who help children and youth in foster care find permanent homes and connections.
All month long we will be partnering with Burke County DSS to support their work. More details will be coming about ways that we can help starting next week!
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