The Weekly - Jan 22-28th
This Past Week…
Happy New Year! We kicked off our new sermon series, “Look What God Has Done” to dig into our core values as Mission Church. This past week looked at our next Core Value, Worship: Every day, every moment, our lives echo God's glory, resonating with devotion and gratitude.
Application Questions:
1. How can we intentionally reflect on and recognize the presence of God in our daily lives, finding moments throughout each day to offer gratitude and devotion?
2. How does our perspective on worship guide us in responding to challenging or difficult moments in life? How can worship become a source of strength and guidance during tough times?
3. In what ways can our daily worship impact the way we interact with others? How can our lives echo God's glory in our relationships, demonstrating love, kindness, and compassion?
4. How can we share our worship experiences with others, creating a sense of community and encouraging one another
If you miss any of the sermons, you can find them all here.
Watch this week’s sermon
Upcoming Sermon Series
The Sermon on the Mount is perhaps the best-known and most-beloved sermon ever preached. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shows Himself to be the promised King as He announces the kingdom of God and demonstrates its power. In this 9 week series, we will see how this sermon equips us to live a kingdom life in a fallen world.
Exciting Update: New Giving Platform!
We’re moving to Planning Center, a platform that not only simplifies giving for you but also helps us manage donations more effectively.
Ready to switch? It’s easy! Just follow our quick guide here
Mission Church Merch!
Many of you have inquired, and we're excited to announce that our Mission Church merch shop is now open! We've priced all our merchandise at cost, ensuring that you get these items at the most affordable prices.
Our goal isn't to profit (we make no money on this) but to make it easier for you to share your passion for Mission Church with the world. Check out our range of items and join in spreading the word about our community!
Look What God Has Done!
Join us throughout the month of January as we celebrate all God has done, is doing, and will do in the life of our church.
Kids Moment
“When I’m older!” “When I’m taller!” Every kid is excited to grow up — even if it’s just to finally ride that big kid roller coaster they’ve had their eye on. This five-week series is about another kid who grew up — Jesus! Through stories from Jesus’ early life and ministry, kids will learn five important truths to help them continue growing: God guides us to safety, we can love God with our actions, we can follow Jesus, God makes us ready at the right time, and God's words help us make wise choices.
This Friday - Night of Worship
6PM - 221 Herron St
Join us for an evening of songs of praise and prayers of gratitude and petition for God to move mightly among us.
What can you expect? Just that singing and praying.
Who is this for: Everyone! Adults and children are welcome!
This Sunday!!
Let’s keep celebrating!
Date: This Sunday Time: After the church service
Signup for what you are bringing here!
Bring your dish either hot or cold.
We have designated space to plug in crockpots and warmers if your dish needs to stay warm.
There's plenty of fridge space available for items that need to be kept cold.
Please bring all food items to the Fellowship Hall kitchen on Sunday morning.
Help us spread the word!
Your experience with Mission Church matters to us, and we would love to hear about it! Sharing a positive review online is a powerful way to spread the word and support our community. It takes just a moment, but it makes a huge difference. Click below to share your story. Thank you for being a part of our journey!
Celebrate with us!