The Weekly - Jan 11th
This Past Week…
Happy New Year! We kicked off our new sermon series, “Look What God Has Done” to dig into our core values as Mission Church. This past week started out with, Renewal. Rooted in the Gospel, we champion continuous spiritual growth and transformation.
Application Questions:
1. What are the ways I need to be renewed by the Gospel?
2. Am I consistently engaging in spiritual disciplines like reading God's word, prayer, and worship?
3. How do I contribute to the church's mission of renewal, both when gathered and scattered? What specific actions can I take to foster this?
4. How am I contributing to the positive impact on my city? Am I actively involved in the renewal of Burke County?
If you miss any of the sermons, you can find them all here.
Watch this week’s sermon
Kids Moment
“When I’m older!” “When I’m taller!” Every kid is excited to grow up — even if it’s just to finally ride that big kid roller coaster they’ve had their eye on. This five-week series is about another kid who grew up — Jesus! Through stories from Jesus’ early life and ministry, kids will learn five important truths to help them continue growing: God guides us to safety, we can love God with our actions, we can follow Jesus, God makes us ready at the right time, and God's words help us make wise choices.
Look What God Has Done!
Join us throughout the month of January as we celebrate all God has done, is doing, and will do in the life of our church.
Mission Men and Women Starting the Year Out
Celebrate with us!