March 16th-23rd



This Past Sunday…

We are continuing our journey through Paul’s letter to the Romans, a profound and foundational exploration of the gospel.

This week we finished up Chapter 3. We were invited by this passage to let go of our accolades and in humble repentance, turn to Jesus.

Big Idea: We are justified by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

"From the moment God saves your soul, the transformation of your life, all the way to the day you stand before Him in judgement — the Spirit of the living God in you; Christ in You the hope of Glory — will have carried you the whole way."

Application Questions:


Kids Moment

This coming week in Mission Kids:

Bible Story Summary:
Joshua 10–11

•God was with His people in the Promised Land. They made peace with the people who lived in Gibeon.

•One day, five kings came to fight the people of Gibeon. Joshua and his army went to protect the people. The kings’ armies ran away, but God sent a hailstorm to stop them. The battle was not over!

•Joshua needed more time to win. God made the sun and moon stay still in the sky. The sun stood still for almost a whole day until the Israelites won the battle.

Review Questions:

•What did God do to give Joshua more time in battle?

•Who is mighty enough to make the sun stand still?

Announcements and Events


March 23rd. 2PM

This will be a relatively quick meeting filled with updates on staffing, plans for 2025, and budget updates. Members are urged to attend. Click Here for more Info.


March 28th - 6PM - 221 Herron St.

Introducing “Unrehearsed” — an evening of prayer and sung worship that is not scripted. This is a chance for us to slow down in the context of daily life and come together for a night of unpracticed songs and a time of prayer for one another as a family. 



Mission Church Care Communities

Come to an Interest Meeting after the gathering, Sunday, March 30th in the Fellowship Hall.

Care Communities are volunteer led and provide a strong support system for foster & adoptive families, and biological families in crisis.

Care Communities create the opportunity to serve and support foster and adoptive families, we have the opportunity to provide a healthier context for a child’s transition into their new home.

This 4-min video is for volunteers who are interested in learning more about supporting a family by serving in a Care Community.

Would you like to join a Care Community for the Foster Families in our church?


SUNDAY March 30th. 6PM. Church Fellowship Hall

Delighting In The Trinity - Michael Reeves

Reeves presents the beauty and joy of the triune God, showing how the Trinity is central to the Christian faith and life. This accessible and engaging book reveals why God’s nature as Father, Son, and Spirit is a source of delight.

Buy: Amazon/WTS


On the Horizon!

Good Friday and Easter will be here before you know it! Will you join us in praying for these services. Begin thinking now of who you might invite to Mission Church.

Look Back


March 23rd-30th


March 9th-16th