The Weekly-Nov 3rd- 10th
This Past Sunday…
In Revelation, Jesus addresses seven churches, commending their faithfulness and confronting their compromises. These letters, though written to first-century churches, speak directly to the challenges we face today—temptations to compromise, loss of truth, and lukewarm devotion.
Application Questions:
Where do I feel weak, and how is Christ inviting me to trust His strength to walk through an open door?
Which of Christ’s promises comforts me most, and how can I lean on it in my current trials?
Where is God calling me to be faithful despite feeling powerless, and how can I step forward in His strength?
How does knowing Christ gives me a new identity change how I view myself and my challenges?
A BIG THANK YOU to all who helped pass out candy at the Downtown Spooktacular last week!
Next Sermon Series:
Heading into 2nd and 3rd John until Advent!
Join us for a two-week series on 2 and 3 John, where John challenges the church to stand firm in truth rooted in love. These short letters carry a powerful call that we, too, can embody as we grow together in Christ.
For the third year in a row we will be participating in this great Christmas Party!
This year we will be providing and helping with the craft during this party!
Kids Moment
This coming week in Mission Kids we will be looking at when Jacob Fled from Canaan. Genesis 28; 32
Bible Story Summary for THIS COMING WEEK:
•Jacob had to leave home after stealing Esau’s blessing.
•Jacob traveled toward Haran. He stopped to sleep. While sleeping, he had a dream. The Lord gave Jacob the same promise He had made to Abraham and Isaac.
•Jacob got married and had a family.
•God changed Jacob’s name to Israel.
Review Questions to ask your kids:
•Why did God change Jacob’s name?
•How does God show that He keeps His promises in this Bible story?
Saturday, Nov 9th.
Mission Men, join us for November's meeting this Saturday! We'll be spending the day serving the community in Spruce Pine, NC. Start the morning with us at 7:30 a.m. for breakfast at the BoJangles off exit 103, Burkemont.
For any questions, please reach out to Brad Wilcox.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 16th. 10AM-12PM for a fun holiday craft at the Industrial Commons/TOSS! (this is a FREE event for YOU!)
*Contact Lynette Ebel or Becca Wilcox for more info.
Want to know what is on our calendar for the rest of the year?
We want you to stay in the loop! Check out all our UPCOMING events here.
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