Summer Mix Tape Vol. 2 | Mike Shillinglaw | Mark 5:21-43

Summer is here and with that our Summer Mix Tape Vol. 2 is in full swing. Our lead pastor is able to take some time to rest with His family while we are blessed with 5 guest speakers from different churches. "Jesus is greater" is a sermon based on Mark 5:21-43 preached by Mike Shillinglaw. Mike is a pastor at Vintage Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. Mike used to pastor in Morganton and has been a friend to Mission Church throughout our church planting journey.  Summer Mix Tape Vol. 2 is a sermon series at Mission Church - A Church in Morganton North Carolina. Join us Sundays, 10 AM at 221 Herron St.


Summer Mix Tape Vol. 2 | Ryan Walker | Psalm 121


Summer Mix Tape Vol. 2 | Jake Lowery | Ephesians 3:14-21